PLEASE, READ THIS AND PRINT IT OUT TO KEEP. This article is vital not only for your own health, but for that of generations to come.
Posted By Dr. Mercola | August 30 2010 | 153,540 views (in less than one day)
Eight Foods that Could be Disastrous for Your Health
Posted By Dr. Mercola | August 30 2010 | 154,022 views
A genetically modified (GM) crop has been found thriving in the wild for the first time in the United States. At the recent Ecological Society of America conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, researchers broke the news that transgenic canola is growing freely in parts of North Dakota.
GM crops have spread from cultivated land to the wild in several countries, but they have not previously been found in uncultivated land in the United States.
The scientists behind the discovery say this highlights a lack of proper monitoring and control of GM crops in the United States.
"The extent of the escape is unprecedented," says Cynthia Sagers, an ecologist at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, who led the research team that found the canola (Brassica napus, also known as rapeseed).
Sagers says the discovery of plants that are resistant to two major herbicides shows that "these feral populations of canola have been part of the landscape for several generations."Sources:
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EIGHT [GENETICALLY MODIFIED] FOODS THAT COULD BE DISASTROUS TO YOUR HEALTH Posted By Dr. Mercola | August 30 2010 | 153,540 views (in less than one day)
GM Varieties Cross-Breeding, Creating Newer Unintended Breeds
Why GM Crops are a Threat to Your Health
Health Effects of GM Foods
How to Avoid GM Food
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